Tuesday, 3 December 2013


This summer I went to Portugal to work in a summer camp as a voluntier washing dishes in exchance they gave us host and food. I meet a lot of people all around Europe such us a dutch, an Irish, a finlandes... a really enjoyed that experience and in not very long Im gonna met two of them, so Im very exited!

We love languages!


In the European Union we have a lot of different cultures and customs, and as we  can see in this picture there is a lot of diversity.

Our beautiful san sebastian!

Last weekend I went for a walk with my parents through the beach. It was a wonderful day and I think we should apreciate more our city!


Every monday we are taking german classes with Dan, an English boy. We are studying numbers, alphabet, introduction...
I think its very interesting and this will be very productive for our future if we want to study or work in Germany or any other country!

Europe and I!

Today, we have been talking about things that the E.U do for us. Such us protecting the enviroment, faciliting the language if you have problems in another country, from earthquakes in Hiti to chemical spills in Hungary and many other disasesters,so, the EU moves fast to respond them, mobile phone makers have responded switching to a universal standard for chargers...

In the case of Malen and me, we said that New EU rules shelter children from harm, sexual one, on the Internet and in the phisical world.

10-20 % of children fall victim to some form of sexual abuse during their childhood, THAT`S AWFUL!! :(

At the same time, the number of websites devoted to child pornography is growing.

The Commission proposed more severe punishment for child sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and child pornograpy. The new rules also target 'grooming' . The Commission also wants more to be done to protect the victims and prevent these offences from happening at all, for instance by giving offenders tailor.

Monday, 25 November 2013

interview to my cousin!

today i have been with my cousin Maddalen that has been in Czech republic. i asked her some cuestions about her time and experience there and she seems to enjoy it a lot!

How much did you stayed?
   i stayed for 4 months in total but only an trimester of classes.

how did you managed with the language?
  At first, i didnt understood nothing but with time i learned some basic things to comunicate, but my classes were in english so i didnt had so much problems!

did you met more erasmus students?
 Yes! we were something around 30 in my university and at first we always hang out the erasmus students all together but then we made other friends too.

 and finally, would you recomend it to other students?
  Of course i would! i think its a wonderful experience to know new people and to visit other countries so YES!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

europe news

Young woman looking a job vacancies boardBenefit levels 'do not promote laziness', study suggests   

 the new!


High levels of benefits for the unemployed do not lead to a lack of motivation to find work, a Europe-wide study has found.


in most countries the monetary help that the governament gives to the unemployed citicents dont have any increase in the behaviour of finding jobs.

Researchers found some countries with the most generous benefits also had some of the most despondent unemployed citizens, and vice versa,  In almost 28 countries across Europe.


Living in an older population country and being jobless isnt a good impact on personal wellbeing, so too the high levels of inflation and income ineqyuality.
Being unemployed in Germany hurt an individual's wellbeing significantly more than elsewhere in Europe and the dissatisfaction with life among unemployed Germans was more than 50% higher than among the jobless in neighbouring Hungary


Thursday, 31 October 2013

A trip to Stockholm!

in eleanitza we decided to prepare a trip to an european union countries city. We choose Stockholm due to the beauty and the curiosity we had on it. In the post we give you some ideas of how we can enjoy the city. If you want  to know more 
 click here!



Friday, 18 October 2013

Visit to the university

We went to the new library and it was so beautiful. And then we looked for an erasmus exchance student.
we found an american girl, she is staying for one year here. she isnt part of the erasmus exchange but she told us that is having a fun time here and that she would recomend it!

Monday, 16 September 2013


Hi, my name is malen and i will use this blog to upload projects and presentations for my EUNI classes!